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Thursday, June 02, 2005



Well, I know you know this already, but I call Oregon home. Go Pac NW!! I also know that you secretly dream of living here someday. And you should!! We would have so much fun if we lived near one another, and our kids would be fast friends, I'm sure. :)


you know. ;)


Hello, I came across your blog through Kelly's. I am from a small town south of Indianapolis. :0)


We're an army family...always on the move. We call south-central PA HOME but are currently at a large army base in NC.


I sit at the foot of one big ol' mountain known as Pikes Peak in the colorful state of Colorado. :-D

Sandi P.

Middle Georgia is where I call home! (But I guess you already know that, since that's where Kelly just returned from :O).


I posted a few times in the past-- started reading when you were at ip. I live on the Central Coast of California. About 10 minutes from the beach.


Upstate New York, which would be just outside of Albany.


Found you through Kelly's blog.
I also call Oregon home (go PacNW, again!) I suspect I live north of where mp does, since I live about 30 minutes east of Portland, OR which is about as north as you can get and not be in Washington.


Starting reading your blog after Kelly's. I am an American but have lived just outside of Stockholm, Sweden since Jan 96.

Lisa P

Hey, Jen!

You know where I am--WAAAAAAAAAY down south in far southeast Louisiana. Little tiny town called Toca.



I live in Midlothian, Virginia (yeah, I know a weird name) its about 20 miles SoutEast of Richmonnd. I started reading blogs a little over 2 years. ago while on bedrest & have been addicted every since!


I live in the most southern state of Australia (Tasmania). It's that island at the base of the Oz mainland. Tasmania is green, lush with moutains and great beaches, our capital city (Hobart) is built around a harbour. That's the geography lesson for today ;)


Started reading at ip, and later found you through Kelly's Blog. I live in North Idaho, up in the panhandle. About 100 miles from Canada.


Lisa R

Hi Jen,

I found you from iP and Kelly. I live in Southern California, about 50 miles from L.A.



You already know, but I live in Southern Missouri but my heart is at home in Texas. Yee-haw!!!!! ;0)


I live in Las Vegas, Nevada....oh wait, I mean Illinois cause you know Illinois is sooooo freakin exciting and all! LOL!

"what happens in Illinois, stays in Illinois!" HA! That line of yours cracked me up!


I started reading you on IP, and found your blog through Kelly's. I grew up in Philly, but right now my home is in Central PA...a little city called Sunbury :)

Amy L

Hey Jen,

I am in southern Georgia, not too far from Savannah.

Shannon D

Hello, Big Fan of Kelly's and found you here. I live in Bakersfield, California, about 2 hrs NE of L.A.


Stumbled across Kelly's blog through IP and then found you through hers... I'm from Vancouver Island, BC Canada


you know where I live, Indianapolis, Indiana.

HMMM I think we met through a pen pal section of an animal rights magazine... am I right.

oh and to the Vancouver Island. BC Canada, love it, love it, love it...


I live in east Mississippi not far from the Alabama line. And, I followed you from IP!



It's taken me way to long to really post on your blog to say how much we missed you at the party. I know I keep saying Kate and Sue, etc. because none of us have met, but with you knowing Kelly - we feel like we know you!! You were missed, and it would have been nice to chat with you when you called :) But I'm glad you could enjoy the festivities through the phone!!!! I hope we can talk some time soon!!

Now - for where I'm from - I'm from GA, and have lived there for years!!! We're thinking about moving though, but we love GA so who knows!

Love your blog, loved your below entry (FUN FUN!!) and love you!!

Talk soon,


I live in central Minnesota, and also followed you from IP

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