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Saturday, March 10, 2007



Oh my goodness. The flu and strept!!!
Get well soon!


I hope you feel better soon!


well there is only so much we can fit into our lives Jen,looking after yourself,being a mother,working and studying is a big load to be under.let yourself get better Jen,dont worry about the site,your allround well being is far more important.we are like cars,dont look after them,they wont work well.likewise,if we are`nt looking after ourelves then we cant function properly as person,as a parent and life just runs us down

plese take care of yourself : )

Lisa O

Its ok VJ - don't feel obligated to keep this updated if your heart (and body - oh my goodness I'm so sorry you are sick!) isn't in it. I will continue to check on you daily and when you feel like updating I'll be here.
Meanwhile please take care of yourself body and soul and know you continue to be in my prayers.


dang i cant spell the word please...SLAPS ones forehead : )


What a terrible-awful-horrible-no good day! Diagnosed with not one but TWO fairly icky illnesses at the same time. Gotta be a record. Hope you beat the bunk soon and can get back to living life.

No worries about the site - we'll still be checking in from time to time to see how you're doing. You clearly have a lot going on right now. I think of you frequently and hope you are doing ok.


Get better first Jen!! So sorry to hear your sick. Like everyone else said I'll continue to check in here daily and when you post I'll be here to. Your in my prayers girl!!



Hey, take a break. No big deal... Just don't too long of one!


You have not failed!!! I'm sorry for your illnesses, and you are being prayed for.

At least you still have a blog....I stopped long ago :)


VJ come back!!! Miss hearing about ya...

Lisa O

Hello - just checking in on you. I hope you are doing well. If you would consider sending me a password to your other blog I would love that. If not I understand though - you don't really "know" me like I feel I know you through your blog/Iparenting.
Nevertheless I continue to think of you and keep you in my prayers.


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