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Friday, June 29, 2007



Awww, Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday Collin. I remember reading about your birth as if it were yesterday. My how 6 years have flown by. I've never met you, but you are in my heart and I know how much joy you have brought to your Momma. May your life always be full of love and blessings!


Happy Birthday! Hope you guys have a great weekend!


Happy Birthday, Collin! 6 yr old boys - ain't they grand? My very own newly 6 yr old son is having his "special day" with my sister today to celebrate his bday. These boys, they're worth celebrating!


This is touching and beautiful. I hope that it was a Great day for both of you.

Jenni T.

Happy belated birthday to Collin...can't believe he is 6! Such a sweet entry.


Happy belated birthday Collin. I hope you had a wonderful day.


That brought tears to my eyes. I have the memories of when you tried and were pregnant with Collin. What a lucky boy to have you for his Mom!


Happy Birthday Collin:)
Johnathan and julia
Pat and Celeste


What a beautiful song! Hope that Colin had a wonderful birthday.


Hey there -- you call us - I need your # agian -- julia unplugged the machine and we lost all the messages before i could write it down! Call me on my cell#490-9171 instead of home #. Sorry -- I dont have your email address either.

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