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Thursday, November 01, 2007



A very big Congrats to you and the mister! I am one of the many that emailed you but I know you're busy...Good luck!

Lisa O

Hi Jen - So glad to hear all is well with you. I understand the not having time thing - with two kiddos of my own and work I have never gotten around to starting that blog I wanted to . . . ah well.
I hope the Holidays are wonderful for you this year and I really do hope you let us all know how you are from time to time.
Have a great day!
Lisa O


So what's the secret? I'm dying to know!


hey chicky babe,sorry i have`nt popped in for ages but these days i`m either busy at work and really really really busy at home.the 3 girls keep me busy thats for sure.hope you and the kids are well.

take care darl


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